اس آنلائن کلاس کے بارے میں
In this online course, we will explore the intricate and often turbulent history of the Sadat, from the early years of Islam to the present day. While the Sadat are revered for their lineage, their history is far from unified. Over the centuries, these noble families have been divided into various factions, enjoying different positions and privileges.
We will examine the Sadat's shifting roles in Islamic society, focusing on their interactions with the Imams, their involvement in key historical events, and the ways in which their unique positions sometimes led to tensions within the Muslim community. Some Sadat played active roles in shaping new sects, while others participated in critical military conflicts, further defining their identities and alliances. Through the lens of their genealogy, we will trace these divisions and analyze how the Sadat’s relationships with political and religious authorities evolved over time.
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This first session will cover these different topics:
- Who are the Sadat?
- The term Sayyid/Sada
- A look at the Family tree of Hashim
- What are the Ahkam concerning the sadat?
-The signs of the Sadat
- From the beginning of Islam to Ashura
-The event of Harrah
-The branch of Muhammad ibn al-Hanafia
-The way the Abbasids took the power
- Bani al-Hasan with Bani al-Husein
- The revolt of Zayd, his son Yahya and Abdullah ibn Muawiya al-Ja’fari
-The Abbasids taking the power
-Bani al-Hasan under Mansur
-The qiyam of Nafs al-Zakia and his brother Ibrahim
-The qiyam of Fakhkh
-The interaction of the Imams with their close family
-The oppression of the government
-The waqifiya
-The qiyam of Abu al-Suraya
-The nomination of Imam al-Ridha as Wali al-‘Ahd and his force departure
-The oppression of the next Caliph
-Musa al-Mubarqa and Ja’far al-Kadhaab
-The qiyam of Sahib Zanj