میں روشنی کا سفر (اسلامک درسی نصاب)اس آنلائن کلاس کے بارے میں
This course consists of ten one-hour sessions that will educate our students the principles of jurisprudence. The chapters are as follows.
1. Introduction to Furoo ad deen (Islamic branches).
2. Ritual purity: Najasaat, Mutahhiraat.
3. Ablution (Wudu).
4. Prayer (Salah)
5. Fasting (sawm).
6. Hajj
7. Khums 8. Jihad.
9. Amr Bil Maroof and Nahy Anil Munkar.
10. Tawalli and Tabarri.
Please make a note book to keep track of your notes.
عمومی سوالات
تبصرے (0)
Why do we need deen?
Two sects of Deen.
Usool & furoo
What is Najasah?
How many Najasaat are there?
What is Taharah?
How many Mutahhiraaat are there?
What is Wuzu?
How to perform a Wuzu?
Few things where Wuzu is required
Few things where Wuzu is recommended
Conditions of Wuzu
What is Salah?
Wajib prayers.
Mustahab prayers
Times of Prayers
Method to perform a prayer
What is fasting?
Fasting conditions
Mubtilaat of Fasting
What is Hajj?
Two sections of Hajj tamatto
Wajibaat of Hajj
Terms used in Hajj
What is khums?
Some items Khums should be paid on:
Where does khums go?
What is Zakat?
Some items Zakat should be paid on:
Where does Zakat goes?
What does Jihad mean?
Two types of Jihad
What is Amr bil maroof and Nahi anil munkar?
Conditions of Amr bil maroof and Nahi anil munkar.
Stages of Ar bil maroof and Anhi anil munkar.