Steps to Perfection Grade 3 Fiqh
میں روشنی کا سفر (اسلامک درسی نصاب)اس آنلائن کلاس کے بارے میں
The philosophy behind this revision of the curriculum was to establish a strong foothold on the guiding force of our religion: the Uṣūl ad-Dīn and Furūʿ ad-Dīn. That is why you will see that beginning from 1st grade, these two concepts are emphasized and gradually increase in depth all the way until 6th grade. Furthermore, we wanted to incorporate a more projectbased and story-based curriculum that engages students and allows them to develop a strong bond with Islam and the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa).
We attempted to include general information that we felt children need to know in order to be educated and successful Muslims. Overall, the curriculum is divided into four core areas: Aqāʾid, Fiqh, History, and Akhlāq. For grades 1-3, the Furūʿ ad-Dīn are included in the ʿAqāʾid section, but for grades 4-6, it has been moved to the Fiqh section. This is to help students to first understand the basics of the Furūʿ ad-Dīn and then gradually increase their understanding and practical application. In each grade, we have covered all of the Uṣūl ad-Dīn and the Furūʿ ad-Dīn, which are analyzed more extensively each year. It is our firm belief that a strong foundation gives way to a healthy growth, which is why there was great emphasis on this. We referenced many other curricula in developing this section and thank them for their contributions.
Furthermore, in the Fiqh section, we tried to incorporate those Fiqh topics that are relevant and integrate more stories in order to make it more interactive for students.
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Quran : Page 115-116.
Fiqh: Chapter 4 Salah Page 78- 87.
Quran: 116-117.
Fiqh: L-4.3 Clothing for Salah Page 88.
L- 4.4 How to Offer Salah Page 98.
Quran: Page 118-119.
Fiqh: L-5.1 Fasting Page 101.
L- 5.1 The Month of Ramadan Page 102.
Fasting Videos.
Quran: Page 120-121.
Fiqh: L-5.2 Benefits of Fasting Page 104.
L-6.1 Hajj Page 108.
Quran: Page 122-123.
Fiqh: L-7.1 Zakat and Khums Page 112.
Quran: Page 124-125.
Fiqh: L-7.2 Jihad Page 114.
Worksheets and Videos.
Quran: Page 126-127.
Fiqh: L-7.3 Amr Bil Marof Nahi anil Munkar Page 116.
Quran: Page 128-129.
Fiqh: L-7.4 Tawalli & Tabarri Page 120.
L-8.1 Hijab Page 123.
Quran: Page 130-131.
Fiqh: L-9.1 Taqlid Page 129.
Taqlid Videos. Revision of Fiqh book for Exam.