Steps to Perfection Grade 5
میں روشنی کا سفر (اسلامک درسی نصاب)اس آنلائن کلاس کے بارے میں
You will find that the History section has a greater emphasis on stories. By introducing the
Maʿṣūmīn through stories that highlight their characteristics, the hope is that children will be
able to connect to them and develop a bond and unfaltering love that will take root in their
hearts. The History section in Kindergarten focuses solely on the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa). In first
grade, the students learn about the first seven Maʿṣūmīn, and in second grade the last seven.
Then, in third grade, they once again review all 14 Maʿṣūmīn. In fourth grade, students will
learn about the lives and messages of the Prophets. Finally, in fifth and sixth grades, students
will take a comprehensive look at the life of the Noble Prophet (ṣ).
تبصرے (0)
Quran : Page 73-74.
Video : Islamic Lesson Made Easy: Life of Muhammed(saw).
Lesson 2.5: The Boycott of Banī Hāshim.
Page: 174.
Quran : Page 75-76.
History : Lesson 2.6: Ām ul-Ḥuzn, Page no 177.
Lesson 2.7: The Ascension (Miʿrāj) Page no 181.
Quran: Page No 77.
Tajweed Videos.
History: Lesson 2.8: The Journey to Ṭāʾif, Page 184.
Lesson 2.9: History and Preservation of The Holy Qurʾān, Page 187.
Quran: Page no 77-78.
History: Lesson 3.1: The Prophet’s (ṣ) Family Tree, Page no 191.
Lesson 3.2: Karbala and Imām Ḥusayn (ʿa), Page no 193.
Quran: Page no 79 + Tajweed Videos.
History: Lesson 3.3: ʿAwn and Muḥammad, Page 199.
Lesson 3.4: Imām Ḥasan’s (ʿa) Sons, Page 202.
Quran: Page no 79 + Tajweed Videos.
History: Lesson 3.3: ʿAwn and Muḥammad, Page 199.
Lesson 3.4: Imām Ḥasan’s (ʿa) Sons, Page 202.