اس آنلائن کلاس کے بارے میں
The book “Sharh Ibn Aqil” in Syntax is a commentary written by Ibn Aqil on the book, ‘Alfiyyah’ of Ibn Malik. It is a complete review of Syntax and resembles ‘Al-Bahjat al-Mardiyyah’ written by Suyouti which is also a commentary on Alfiyyah. In the Islamic Seminaries one of these two books is conventionally taught on the second level.
ممتاز اداروں کی تجویز کردہ
ممتاز ادارے اس کورس کو اپنے طلبہ اور اسٹوڈنٹس کے لیے تجویز کرتے ہیں۔
عمومی سوالات
تبصرے (0)
Importance of the Science
Subject of Syntax
Subject of Syntax
Sentence (Kalam)
Sentence (Kalam)
Kalimah, Kalaam & Kalim
Kalimah, Kalaam & Kalim
Qaul, Kalim, Kalimah & Kalaam
Qaul, Kalim, Kalimah & Kalaam
Tanween in Nouns
Tanween in Nouns
Tanween in Nouns
Tanween in Nouns
The Exclusive Signs of Verb (فعل)
The Exclusive Signs of Verb (فعل)
The Sign of Preposition (حرف)
The Sign of Preposition (حرف)
The Signs of Command Verb (امر)
The Signs of Command Verb (امر)
Al-Mu’rab (المعرب) & al-Mabni (المبنی)
Al-Mu’rab (المعرب) & al-Mabni (المبنی)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
The Cause of Bina’ (سببُ البِناء)
Types of Mu’rab (أقسام المعرب)
Types of Mu’rab (أقسام المعرب)
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs (Muḍari’)
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs (Muḍari’)
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs (Muḍari’)
Mu’rab and Mabni Verbs (Muḍari’)
Prepositions are Mabni
Prepositions are Mabni
I’rab Signs
I’rab Signs
Substitutive I’rab Signs
Substitutive I’rab Signs
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in ‘الاسماء الستّة’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Dual Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Plural Nouns
The Haraka of ‘Noon’ in Duals and Plurals
The Haraka of ‘Noon’ in Duals and Plurals
Substitutive I’rab Sign in Regular Feminine Plural
Substitutive I’rab Sign in Regular Feminine Plural
Substitutive I’rab Sign in ‘Ghair Munsarif’
Substitutive I’rab Sign in ‘Ghair Munsarif’
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Verbs
Substitutive I’rab Signs in Verbs
The I’rab Signs in Mu’tall Nouns
The I’rab Signs in Mu’tall Nouns
I’rab signs in Mu’tall (Naqiṣ) Verbs
I’rab signs in Mu’tall (Naqiṣ) Verbs
Definite and Indefinite Nouns
Definite and Indefinite Nouns
(First/Second/Third Person) Pronouns
(First/Second/Third Person) Pronouns
(Concealed) Pronouns
(Concealed) Pronouns
(Raf’/Nasb) Pronouns
(Raf’/Nasb) Pronouns
(Attached/Detached) Pronouns
(Attached/Detached) Pronouns
(Attached/Detached) Pronouns
(Attached/Detached) Pronouns
(The Sequence of) Pronouns
(The Sequence of) Pronouns
Wiqaya Noon
Wiqaya Noon
Proper Noun
Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
Types of Proper Noun
The Demonstrative Nouns
The Demonstrative Nouns
Conjunctive Prepositions
Conjunctive Prepositions
Specific Conjunctive Nouns
Specific Conjunctive Nouns
General Conjunctive Nouns
General Conjunctive Nouns
‘ذو’ and ‘ذا’
‘ذو’ and ‘ذا’
The Clause and Its Pronoun
The Clause and Its Pronoun
The Conditions of the Clause
The Conditions of the Clause
Non-Sentence Clauses
Non-Sentence Clauses
‘أیّ’ the Conjunctive
‘أیّ’ the Conjunctive
The Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
The Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
The Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
The Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
Omission of the Referring Pronoun (الضمیر العائد)
The Definite Article
The Definite Article
Types of ‘ال’
Types of ‘ال’
The Redundant ‘ال’
The Redundant ‘ال’
The Redundant ‘ال’
The Redundant ‘ال’
‘ال اللمحیة’
‘ال اللمحیة’
‘ال اللمحیة’
‘ال اللمحیة’
The ‘ال’ of Prevalence (غلبة)
The ‘ال’ of Prevalence (غلبة)
The ‘ال’ of Prevalence (غلبة)
The ‘ال’ of Prevalence (غلبة)
An Annexation Becoming a Proper Noun
An Annexation Becoming a Proper Noun
The Conditions of ‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
The Conditions of ‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
The Conditions of ‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
The Conditions of ‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
‘المبتدأ الوصفی’
The ‘اعراب’ of ‘مبتدا’
The ‘اعراب’ of ‘مبتدا’
The Definition and Types of ‘خبر’
The Definition and Types of ‘خبر’
Types of ‘خبر’
Types of ‘خبر’
The Pronoun in the ‘خبر’
The Pronoun in the ‘خبر’
Phrasal ‘خبر’
Phrasal ‘خبر’
Time Adverb as a ‘خبر’
Time Adverb as a ‘خبر’
Indefinite ‘مبتدا’
Indefinite ‘مبتدا’